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You have reached this page because you are running an older or unsupported internet browser!
Browser Versions: Concord Servicing Corporation only tests and ensures accurate access by browsers listed below as "Browsers Supported by Interlink".
Browser versions not listed are not tested or supported, and may not function properly on this site.
In order to get the best experience possible, Concord strongly recommends
that you upgrade your browser to one of the fastest and most secure Interlink supported browsers
available from the list below:
Browser Version Numbers: Web site browsers, like most software, have different version numbers. As upgrades are made to the browser, the version number is
changed to reflect the upgrade. The higher the version number; the newer the browser. Determining what browser version you are using is as important as knowing what
kind of browser you have, since newer browser versions will allow you to access more features, and work more reliably on many web sites.
Determining Your Browser's Version Number: If you are using a Windows system, you can determine what browser version you are currently using by following the steps noted here: (We also display it for you above)
- Windows Operating System: Select "About [browser name]..." under the "Help" menu at the top of your screen.
Browsers Supported by Interlink: The following browsers are tested to ensure accuracy on the Interlink.net web site:
Upgrading Your Browser: Concord's browser of choice is Internet Explorer. Current versions of this browser may be downloaded free of charge from the Microsoft Web Site.
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